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The day God made Himself undeniable to Fresh was after a car crash. He slammed into a wall doing about 120 km/h with two passengers. There was so many details that night that show the divine intervention. Find them in his song titled "The Beginning" on youtube. After that, Fresh started believing there was a God at the age of 20. Still selling drugs since he was 12 years old, he and a friend were out drinking until the morning. They stumbled upon someone's house that owed them money. After the events took place there, the residents called the police. They ended up being charged and the crown was asking for 5-6 years. Fresh just prayed and prayed for a second chance in jail to make things right, finally understanding what was really important in life. He ended up getting bail, which was his chance to make things right. God gave him that second chance. Being on bail for 19 months, God orchestrated everything knowing where his heart was. He ended pleading to 4 out of 12 charges, dropping the sentence to a maximum of 4-6 months. When sentencing day came, he got 4 months house arrest. Which is unheard of for these charges. The freedom on his house arrest conditions has also never been heard of, according to his probation officer. Now, he is engaged, has a baby girl on the way, and is lifting the name of Jesus so others might find The Way as well. Giving all the Glory to where it is due. All praise to the Most High. Thank you Jesus!!

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