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“Lyrical Michael also known as Lyll Mykk possess the talent and musical passion to turn heads in the world of creative and performing arts with his charisma, astounding studio resume, and his street credibility!” – Kampala Sun

I was born a Love child – Michael Christian Jacobs – in Kampala Uganda, East Africa on the 14th day of may in 1992 surrounded by the influence of sex, money, drugs, popularity and the constant struggle for fame. Growing up i recall my gift always shined brighter than my peers at home and away, and i used this platform as a popular kid to get involved in multiple community projects at school and local community with such a passion that helped birth my dreams of becoming a professional Entertainer.

Throughout high school, I excelled in Music, Dance & Drama, played very promising soccer and used this platform as a popular kid at school as a source of significance. I was always guaranteed a performance on any of the schools big occasions both internally and externally. I believe this was instrumental in the cultivation of my abilities into a great talent that I am today. However that had an ugly side too, I misguidedly used this school celebrity status on the most part for all the wrong reasons. I felt like I was the man, like I was invincible, I used to watch a lot of hip hop videos and had a desire to be like these super stars. Dressed the way they did, sang along their songs and eventually started living a violent lifestyle, the gals came in, broke so many hearts and almost every school law, indulging myself in greater sin and rebellion. It was crazy!


In 2009, the Young Empowered & Healthy (YEAH) a Non Governmental Organisation under a national HIV/AIDS awareness campaign organized competitions for youth music bands and groups to come up with the best song to feature as the theme song of the campaign across the country. A close friend and youth worship team member of the church i not so often went to asked if i could get involved by spicing up their song with a rap verse.

I must admit my interest was to prove i was “the best in the game” and i knew the tour would give me a ground breaking promotion. I was chasing after my own glory that’s why I said yes. However when i got involved with the youth choir during rehearsals i was awed by these young people. Dancers, singers, Poets and Actors with a crazy love for Jesus I never imagined existed. They had the swag, the moves, the flows, the free platforms, everything it takes to blow your mind away that i admired with a passion. During each of the so many bible studies they would tell me about the Kingdom of God and always encouraged me to cross over. They gave me CD’s with collections of Successful christian rappers to go listen to and through these songs by Lecrea, Triplee, Tedashii, Sho Barraka and others, I slowly recognized that all my life should be centered around Christ.

Although it wasn’t an over-night decision, eventually, during the new years eve over night at the Miracle center cathedral, when pastor Robert Kayanja made the alter call, my mind was made up, I stood up and matched forward. In 2010 i teamed up with other members of the youth worship team to form a rap group – Holy Unit Abbatukuvu – which enabled me to use my musical abilities with my new desire to serve God together co releasing our break through hit single ‘you can be a star’, which graced a pretty good time of airplay around the country.


In 2013 i founded a non profit arts organization called Salt Nation whose mission is to discover, develop and promote christian performers to be the Salt in the world of arts & Entertainment, by being leaders in the arts and positive role models in their communities!

I have had a number of tours across East and central Africa. Been hosted in 6 countries which include Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Congo, Zambia and I am still counting!

I co host Bounce Emcees, an episode of BOUNCE on national television Channel 44 T.V every Saturday morning.

I run school musical outreach campaigns dubbed as be younique that aim at promoting values, behaviors and policies that inspire young people to think and live different by making positive decisions.

I work with the Uganda Christian Radio network (98.7 ALPHA FM) in the promotions, sales and marketing department.


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